Friday, September 17, 2021

A continued theme

Having an infection on the left ear, the pain is following and hunting along.

Booked a wellness appointment to request some antibiotics, in case that is doable.
And, cooked a steamed egg for self. And I do feel better after eating something swallowable. 


在易立静的立场,柯蓝访谈中看到另一个嘉宾 丁锐,非常另类的一些言辞。找了一下,醒来,和死亡体验馆。有趣特别。现在好像已经停了,大时代背景下社会已不那么前卫,也许。在读公众号里的旧内容。他的哪叱的割肉还母的言论,哇,第一次在访谈中听到,又看了文字。作为一个心理咨询师,他将心理咨询做成了另一门生意,厉害。惊艳的发现,虽然已昙花已谢,寻迹而来的人依然喜悦

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Saturday, September 11, 2021



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这周小朋友发烧,完美错过学校排了几周的performance。不过周五终于搞定COVID test 可以重回学校。然后晩上自己就扭了脚,疼到哭了半天,以为脚断了,动不了了,礼拜天的小趴怎么办? 今早起床,脚背肿成了一个粽子,但至少可以走动,万幸

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Sunday, September 5, 2021

 today's tennis session was short, and 10 minutes later, I strained my right arm muscle...

Thursday, September 2, 2021


This is trial post from email.

After a few days I finally relied to the uniform thing. I said no. Mainly I don't believe in this event any more. I did sign up for more other tasks and decide to spend more time on different volunteer opportunities.

And in general I am not in a good place. Not very effective on work assignments and still have unrealistic ideas I could make up time and get more things done in spare time. One of things I need do is to resume exercise to break to downward loop. I don't exercise so I don't have high energy and I can't put long hours in either.

The air condition in bay area has been not good either.

But in any case I do need take my running shoes out and hit the ground.

Ah, my kneels are acting up too after the tennis last Sunday. Hmm maybe I do need go back to physical therapy sessions..

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