Last summer camp Richardson left me great impression of lake Tahoe. And at the time we promised to come back to visit Lake Tahoe in each summer.
This weekend Tahoe trip was to join sister-in-law's family's week long stay, and two nights. The rental house is in Tahoe keys (which I think it is an only sensible choice to airbnb). The two paddle boards and a mixed boat have their chance to be left on water over the dock. Xiaonan doesn't need to inflate and un-inflate them one by one. I felt like enjoying the board fully for the first time.
I loved the blue jays who nesting on the tall pine tree in the back yard. Their triangle shaped hat gave them certain dignity even when they came down to pick up the bread crambles I left on the rail of patio. Kids said I should not do that, hmm! why not.. When they flew, I loved the flash of subtle grey and blue hue from the opening of their wings. I kept looking for their flying up and downs.
On the board, the water close to dock is not that clean, and there are huge gianatic kelps like plants under water. It looked like a forest under water. And we are floating over it. The dragonflies flew by in the morning. Those blue dragonflies are a little deeper than torquoite, they are small. And some of them are knotted together flying over the water, one pair stayed on my board for a while. I cannot see them clearly, but just so happy to see dragonflies. These little insects bring me joy, if they are household items, I shall not get rid of.
The afternoon birds and dragonflies seem to disappear. We did longer run with kayak first. My pants got all wet with kayak, I prefer now paddle board only. For the second longer run, I got V's fat paddle board. It's very hard to turn, and requires some arm muscle to manuver. I prefer my own board. hmm. I loved the quiet long alone paddle time. The close to sunset time. The sunlights became shining pieces over the water. V was sharing the board with her cousin. Kids were very happy on the water, but they didn't paddle hard, I had to come back to check up them. I didn't take pictures. In my mind I am taking the pictures. The smiles on kids faces, the red sign on the water field, the 5-mile speed pole on the tuning point. And when I paddled along back, the fat gooses, some of them dived their upper body into water and only the fat bottom is above water. And the coo coo sound made by the gooses. Maybe I should have take some pictures, I shall never trust my memory.
I do love paddle boarding, paddling while standing is effective, and fun.